Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Prohibition began on January 16, 1920, when the eighteenth ammendment was first issued. Many women believed it was a treacherous drink that corrupted good men and created violence. They believed their husbands turned into monsters when they drank alcohol. Men disregarded this and continued to drink illegally in speakeasies which were also ran illegally but corruption among police made it very difficult for uncorupted officials to crack down on the speakeasies. The following excerpt enables us to see first had the serious flaw of this law when even doctors hand whiskey out.

Whiskey could be obtained by prescription from medical doctors. The labels clearly warned that it was strictly for medicinal purposes and any other uses were illegal, but even so doctors freely wrote prescriptions and drug-stores filled them without question, so the number of "patients" increased dramatically. No attempt was made to stop this practice, so many people got their booze this way. Over a million gallons were consumed per year through freely given prescriptions.

With doctors writing perscriptions and police being in on the free flow of alcohol being continued it was impossible to enforce. Police did do their best to enforce it but it is a mystery whether or not prohibition gave rise to organized crime.

Mr. Jay Gatsby was himself a bootlegger or alcohol smuggler. This was an easy quick way to achieve riches as he did. He said he achieved his money in under three years and his mysterious dealings with Mr. Wolfshien alluded us to think of some type of corruption. Daisy and Tom are old money people who recieved money respectively but Gatsby didnt.

Flappers of the time hid alcohol in their dresses and men had flasks tucked in there coats. Gatsby being a bootlegger smuggled alcohol and also manufactured it to be smuggled. Fast police chases because of smuggled alcohol became a common sight which most often ended in CRASH. Gatsby managed to stay out of trouble while making a hefty profit. As of now it is unknown to wether Gatsby has allies in the police department because he shows a simple card and can escape all trouble on the roads.